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Healing Hearts at Next Chapter

Healing Hearts Bible Study is in Session.

Next Chapter has the awesome opportunity to partner with Healing Hearts Ministries International. We currently offer a 10 week study, twice a year, at the Women's House onsite. This bible study originally started for, and to support, women that have had an abortion. However, it is now a study for ALL women. It covers any past hurts or sins that we have done, or sins that have been done to us. This study allows women to look at themselves, their past, and their current situation today. 

By digging deep into biblical knowledge and the Word of God, we learn the depth of what Christ has done for us. We learn how to apply this to our life now. Healing Hearts is exactly what is happening here. By the power of Christ, prayer, and study; healing takes place in the hearts of all participants. This study is a closed group to those that have signed up. It is a confidential, safe, environment that is led by a trained leader through Healing Hearts.

Please pray for our current session and all the women attending. Pray for growth, knowledge, healing, and Christ's power to work in the hearts of those that are hurting.

For more information, please visit