The Next Chapter Reentry Project’s women’s home is called The Lighthouse and is a meeting place for women who have been in jail or prison, as well as women who have been impacted by crime.  Many women who come to the NCRP Lighthouse have been victims of domestic violence and struggle with addictions.

The NCRP Lighthouse mission is to assist, develop and train women who have a desire to grow in Christ so that their lives may become a living testimony to the ways of the Lord. At the NCRP Lighthouse, women are shown love and given a message of hope. We strive to provide evidenced-based services in a trauma-informed setting with a multi-generational focus.

A variety of activities are available at the NCRP Women's Lighthouse.  Through weekly Bible studies, peer-led support groups, meals, counseling, activities, out-patient treatment through our partners, and life together in a safe and healthy community, women can gain an understanding of Christian doctrine, rebuild family relationships, begin to heal from past traumas, grow in their strengths, and learn to disciple others.

The NCRP Lighthouse also provides residency to women who commit to staying in the home for a minimum of 1 year and may choose to apply for an additional year through the Transformation Phase. At NCRP, we are looking for women that have a desire for a new way of living, that are willing to be led, and that will be patient with the process

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a resident of the Next Chapter Reentry Project’s Lighthouse, please print, read, and fill out the Application and Covenant below. Please include a letter sharing life experiences that have shaped who you are.

When complete, please scan and email to or mail to Next Chapter Reentry Project PO Box 9321, Rochester, MN 55903.